Our Support Resources

When a child has died, we as parents, siblings, grandparents, relatives, friends, co-workers, professionals, and simply caring people want to know what to do and how to help.

Grief Information Brochures

The Compassionate Friends has a variety of brochures and pamphlets about grief and loss available on request from the Drop in Centre. All new contacts to TCF are posted a resource package of information related to their circumstances, whether they are parents, grandparents, siblings, or professionals. We hope that parents and families find the package a comforting and useful resource that they can draw on whenever they need.

All brochures are available free on request by contacting the Queensland Head Office by phone, email or online.

Download now


Our Newsletters with informative articles, stories and verses are published bi-monthly and sent to all current members and complimentary copies to new contacts for the first 6 months. An online archive of extracts of previous newsletter editions is available for download in pdf format.

Read/subscribe now

Online Videos

TCF Queensland and its associated Chapters world wide provide a collection of online videos of members sharing their experiences of grief, loss and survival. Webinar videos on coping with the grief and loss of a child are also available to watch.

Watch now

Library & Suggested Reading

Our Library facilities provide a growing collection of relevant books, magazines, audio tapes and cd’s. These are available to all members and their families. Access to the library is offered at the monthly support meetings and the Drop in Centre. A postal service to both country and metropolitan areas is also available.

Reading list

Other Resources

Additional grief support information and resources are available online from the TCF USA Chapter, and other related organisations/sites listed on our Useful Links page.

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